Chad's Story

Chad Parkinson - The Furniture Joint

Machines work for the masses with indifference, manufacturing generic goods for ordinary needs. The Furniture Joint's hand crafted wooden furniture represents the peculiarity of people and their homes. I aspire to bring nice things back into the home by showcasing the natural beauty of wood through custom design, thus shifting the modern focal point of admiration from the mechanical. Currently, there is a disturbing tendency to buy cheap boxed furniture that we assemble ourselves knowing it will not last a single generation. Furniture is not meant to be replaced with other trends, but cherished.

Hands do the mind’s will. A great writer pens no word by accident, each one aligned beside the other to form a complete and purposeful thought. It is with this same intent that I design and construct furniture. I prefer the use of traditional joinery in furniture, believing that wooden joints maintain the natural integrity of a piece. At The Furniture Joint, I strive to use local materials whenever possible.

Quality is found in the details, yet a project begins as a simple desire. The need for a piece of furniture goes well beyond function. A dinner table is not a just a place to eat but a medium for family discourse, just as a rocking chair is an instrument for a mother to comfort a new born child, and a porch swing a channel for silent communication between two lovers watching the sunset. Once we have recognized the need for a specific furnishing, we begin to envision ourselves in these scenes, and the details of our preferred design begin to show. After meeting with a client for the first time and listening to their story, I find myself lying awake, designing and planning, wide eyed in the early hours with anticipation to transpire a plan.

If you have interest in having a piece built, please contact me. Through a consultation, I can help your idea begin to materialize. Although my focus is in mid-century modern furniture, I welcome opportunities to design and construct projects of various styles and for sundry purposes. All requests will be considered, and I will help you work within your budget and provide a detailed cost analysis. Shop visits are encouraged and inquiries welcome during the entire process. I want my customers to understand how I build furniture, to drop by anytime to see their piece evolve, and ask questions along the way. Appreciation comes from comprehension and this appropriately enhances the value.